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CCBM Sponsor D2 LURES to attend Middle River Bass Angler's Fishing Flea Market

Started by Xm Sean, February 27, 2014, 09:07:14 AM

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Xm Sean

Go take the edge off your cabin fever and support local tackle companys including our Club Sponsor www.D2Lures.com

Middle River Bass Angler's Fishing Flea Market This Saturday, March 1st 8 a. - 1 p

at Back River United Methodist Church located at 544 Back River Neck Road in Essex, MD. 21221

All inside tables sold out. Some guys getting out of fishing & selling off huge collections of all kinds of fishing gear at unbelieveable prices!

Freshly cooked food prepared to order on site!

For more info call Scott: 443-909-9786

Sam M


Sean are you going?  If you do could you act as my broker LOL I am stuck with work obligations and can't make but feel free to text me pictures of any sweet deals  ;D

Xm Sean

I would go but have obligations in the am and the Banquet later in the day
